The ARK is just a game, but the pain is very real

Life finds a way… until server maintenance happens.

Gaming Thoughts

3 minutes

Originally posted on Reddit.

Last night, I suffered a great loss. After server maintenance, I logged back in and went for a routine fly around the western area to pick up supply drops. Unfortunately, mid-flight I was caught by a sudden server outage. I frantically tried logging in again, and 2 minutes later the server was back up. My character awoke to Petra the pteranodon being slaughtered by a flock of raptors, and I shortly thereafter suffered the same fate.

Solo. Hardcore. I lost it all.

My pretties, your master has gone and left this mortal coil. If your AI has it in you, I implore you to return into the wild and live your short digital lives as happy as you can. Allow me to address each of you, to help me find closure in the loss.

  • To my trikes, Beejay and Sara, I’m so proud of all the hard work you both achieved as berry farmers and pack mules.
  • To my raptors, Blue and Charlie, you both were there for me in the most dire of times. I hope you continue to be strong, swift, and smart.
  • To my carnotaurs, Carnak the Magnificent and Carnitas the Maleficent, we never got to ride together to lay waste to the land. You both are adults now. Go do it, if that is what you wish.
  • To my parasaurs, Emerald, Bonehead, and Greenleaf, be careful out there. It’s a cruel, dino-eat-dino world. You know the drill; never stop running.
  • To my dodos, Black Moa Chick and Queenie, the eggs you’ve provided were the best breakfasts a master could ever ask for. Now that I’m gone, you’re free to raise them into little hatchlings that I’m sure would do their parents proud.
  • To my scorp, The Pacifier. I still remember how much trouble you gave me upon taming. It was a good fight. Now, go on and continue that fight on your own.
  • To my phioma, Heiffer. Fuck you.
  • To my dilos, all six of you, I am sorry I never bothered to give you names. You all did your jobs wonderfully. Truthfully, I thought of you as expendable. You’ve all gone above and beyond your call of duty, though, and even managed to outlive me.
  • And of course, to my glorious beasts, Gustav the sarcosucchus and Crichton the spinosaurus. You were both never burdened by the weight of a saddle, and perhaps that is for the best. I had great, world-dominating plans for the both of you. Now, your lives are your own again.
  • I almost forgot you, my dear pteranodon, Petra. You gave me my most exhilarating experience in the ARK. My first flight, and the farthest expeditions I’ve dared to take, were possible thanks to you. You died with me, and I’m sorry you had to. Your life was much too short. Come, let us ride through the gates of Valhalla together.

And to anyone who comes across Gyarados Dam and its inhabitants, I welcome you to take what you can or make use of the base however you see fit. There are a bunch of blueprints, including one for a pteranodon saddle which I used to make the first flying mount in the server. Lots of mats, 500+ narcotics, and other rare items to help you survive the danger of hardcore. Destroy it if you wish to claim the area for yourself, or die trying; my dinos were the best a master could ever ask for, and they seem to be bonded to the location even in the wake of my demise. They will not go down without a fight.
