Bit of an ARKoholic looking for other survivors

Never found any.

Gaming Thoughts

3 minutes

Originally posted on Reddit.

Day 1: Washed ashore on some strange island. Can’t remember how I got here. Can’t remember who I am. There are creatures here that I have only seen in books and movies. Too many questions. I must survive to find the answers.

Day 3: Some of the animals show signs of intelligence. I’ve domesticated a small yet terrifying creature, reminiscent of those long-extinct birds from the old world. “Dodos,” I think they were called. It follows me around and carries my belongings. Perhaps others can be tamed in a similar way.

Day 7: I am not alone. Somehow, while I was sleeping in my newly-finished hut, some articles went missing in the night. I count three handfuls of berries, some animal hide, my spare waterskin, and three spears as lost. If it was just the food, I would have simply chocked it up to Dill (one of my Dodo friends, I have since tamed several more) finding a way into the storage. But the weapons are gone, and that fills me with a sense of unease deeper than the thought of being alone.

Day 14: RIP Dill. I will find who did this to you.

Day 16: My fears have become reality. I followed footprints that were not mine to an outpost deeper in the forest, away from the safety of the shores. There appeared to be at least two others, and they somehow have managed to tame beasts much more fearsome than Dill. Poor Dill… I shall camp nearby to learn their habits before deciding whether to make contact or not.

Day 38: I am finally free of that wretched prison! They found me, seized me in the night when my guard was lowered. My captors seemed to understand my words, but they never made any attempt to communicate in return. They drugged me, keeping me addled and unconscious with a bitter concoction of narcotics that tasted like foul, rotting meat. When I tried beating on their wooden walls, they shot me with poisoned arrows that achieved the same effect. Up to now I cannot fathom the reason they kept me in captivity. It was only by sheer luck that I awoke to find one of them sleeping close enough to my cell door that I could reach beneath the crack and steal a tool with which to escape.

Day 39: My hut… my dodos… I must put an end to their ravaging before they do the same to me.

Day 54: Safe and sound safe and sound now my friends are safe and sound

Aside from Ark, I have a library of almost 400 games on Steam. If you play any of these, let me know, and we might be able to team up.

PS. To those in the US: GMT+8 is exactly 12 hours difference from EST. So if you play around 11:00am-1:00pm, I should still be up. And on weekends, I pretty much marathon PC gaming so there’s not much meaning to timezones anyway.
