Have you stopped playing a game because of an SO?

Breaking up with games.

Gaming Social Thoughts

1 minute

Originally posted on Reddit.

I used to play loads of games with her. Diablo II, Terraria, Borderlands, Left 4 Dead, lots and lots of point-and-click adventure games (sometimes she’d take the controls while I watched, other times I’d handle it while she criticized), and probably a bunch more that I’m forgetting at the moment.

Ever since the breakup, I’ve never even started those games up again. Initially it was because of the feels associated with her, but after picking myself up and moving on, I’m not sure why I don’t play those games anymore.

I asked r/GirlGamers if they felt the same. Their replies won’t be quoted here out of respect for their anonymity, but the link is still accessible at the time of writing.
