Game! Website Articles - January 31, 2011

New Kirby, Nintendo mum on new console, Pandora’s Tower.

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Game! Magazine

2 minutes

Kirby Sucks and Blows on the Wii #

Kirby’s coming the Wii again in another epic title, but this time he returns in his former fleshy glory. Be prepared to absorb abilities and switch skins again, because he’s bringing back the classic power we all know and love.

So far, the project hasn’t been officially named yet. Judging from the trailer, though, it looks to be the Kirby that we missed out on in the last game. While Epic Yarn was a great experience in its own right, there’s just something about floating around, sucking and blowing all through levels to get to the end.

Meanwhile, at Nintendo… #

There’s been one voice missing amidst all the buzz over Sony’s Next Generation Portable, and that’s Nintendo’s. While anybody would expect Sony’s main competitor in the handheld market to share a few choice words regarding their heavyweight contender, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has a very good reason for keeping quiet at the moment.

Around this time one year ago, Iwata made a comment about the Apple iPad. “It was a bigger iPod Touch”, Iwata told Associated Press, adding that the new device offered “no surprises”. “I didn’t say it with any positive and negative connotation,” Iwata remarked. However, the nuances of his statement were lost in translation between English and Japanese. “So then it became a story about how I trashed the iPad as just a bigger iPod Touch.”

This, of course, did not sit well at all with the iCrowd. “I read these remarks online and the situation had become almost surreal,” Iwata added. “So my view now is that it’s not good to even give my first impression.”

Did you hear that, Sony fans? Iwata says “it’s not good”!

Sources: Kotaku & Wall Street Journal

It’s either an exciting new game, or a trap #

This little gem came up during a Nintendo investors meeting in Tokyo on the 28th. Aside from this photo, the website, and the spring release date, all we know about it is its title: Pandora’s Tower.

The subtitle reads “Until I return to your side.” Upon visiting the website, all that’s available is this same picture of a tattooed woman as well as a rather nice classical piano theme.

Considering the rather sparse list of confirmed Wii releases this year, perhaps Pandora’s Tower is worth keeping an eye out regardless of – or maybe even because of – its mysterious nature.

Source: Nintendo
