Takeaways from the GG Network meeting

Start of a beautiful partnership.

Gaming Social Thoughts

3 minutes

Originally posted on Reddit.

Just realized it might be easier for everyone if I posted an update to this in its own thread, instead of chasing each person down individually.

My takeaways from the meeting are these: the guys behind GG Network in the New Media department of TV5 are either super serious, or fucking crazy, or both; and, they have honestly, earnestly, and painstakingly done their homework. I was naive to assume that they were feeling around in the dark, not really knowing the community or our wants and goals. They are here amongst us, both literally and figuratively. You should stop lurking, /u/kommetgrau, and come out to face your future audience.

What is GG Network.TV?# #

GG Network aspires to be two things:

  1. A network of local streamers bearing the GGN banner, and
  2. A multi-channel network much in the same vein as Machinima/Polaris that will also create its own content

Will they only cover eSports leagues?# #

It will not focus only on esports, and though they do have plans to launch leagues, they intend for the content they put up to cover a wide variety of not just gamer-related themes, but creative and tech-related shows as well. They have a boardgame-themed channel in planning, just to show you how much they want to branch out.

What do they want with streamers?# #

Their plan for streamers is simple: they want us to grow. From my time at the interview, I got the feeling that they honestly just want the Filipino gaming and streaming communities to get their heads out their assess and start working together to flourish and legitimize themselves. Those are my words, not theirs.

Specifically, they want to make it easier for game streamers to do what they love. They’re already partnered with Twitch, functioning essentially as Twitch Philippines. Streamers who sign up with GGN will have a much easier time getting Twitch Partnerships, and the benefits that come along with that. GGN will also be the “handler” of the streamers under their wing; in case sponsors want to tap the GGN pool of streamers, they will take care of pointing those sponsors to the talent that best suits their branding.

What do they get out of it?# #

I won’t disclose what GGN asks for in return - they might want to keep that private for now, maybe /u/kommetgrau will disclose it when he drops by (if he does, I’ll edit this), but I get the feeling that it’s the same for all streamers - however I can say that it’s a good deal. A really good deal. For us.

One thing I will say is they have no intention of disrupting a streamer’s established (or not yet established) habits. They will not impose minimum/maximum streaming hours. They will not ask for streamers to wear revealing clothes or tone down their vulgar swearing. They won’t demand that specific games be played, or concessions be made, or anything else that compromises the streamer’s fun. GGN seems to be very adamant on staying out of the way. And content made by the streamer, remains owned solely by the streamer.

I have more questions!# #

If you have any further follow-up questions, please ask them here. If I can’t answer them myself, I’m sure /u/kommetgrau - one of the men behind GGN I met earlier - will be able to. I for one am looking forward to what GGN can bring to the table.
