The best possible Star Wars dice roll ever
Never tell me the odds.
I forgot what the roll was for, but it doesn’t matter. We won.
![Photo of a dice roll result on a tabletop. The two yellow 12-sided dice landed on the Triumph symbol, an encircled starburst icon, indicating critical success. The photo is framed in classic motivational meme format, with title: “This was 2 triumphs,” and bottom text: “I'm making a note here: Holy Shit. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.”](/img/meme-2triumphs_hue55aa41a1b9f84e9b7a5914465435eae_70358_600x0_resize_q75_h1_lanczos.ce23b2eb4f20dcfc044f916b1c848f620a83e8f0ac22a1d162fcde97c83d217e.webp)
Just to put into perspective how difficult it would be to achieve this kind of roll:
The purple dice are bad. They’re 8-sided dice, and only one side is blank (the best possible result on these dice, because that essentially means “nothing bad happens”).
The yellow dice are good. They’re 12-sided dice, and the icon you see there is “Triumph.” The actual definition of a Triumph in the rulebook is as follows:
A Triumph symbol has two effects. First, each Triumph counts as one Success. Second, a Triumph result indicates an unexpected boon or significantly beneficial effect related to the task.
So it’s like rolling a natural 20 on a regular icosahedron, except easier because there’s a 1/12 chance to score it instead of 1/20. But two of them consecutively?
Chances of a double blank on the challenge dice? 1/64.
The chances of coming up double Triumph? 1/144.
How about both happening at the same time on the same roll? 1/9216, or 0.0108506944444%.
Here’s an idea of what else has roughly a 0.01% chance of happening:
- Chance of forging a Precursor weapon in Guild Wars 2
- Chance of being diagnosed with Williams Syndrome
- Chance of finding a 4-leaf clover on the first try
- Chance of getting a Dead Man’s Hand on a 7 card draw
- Chance of getting a 4-of-a-kind on the flop
- Chance of having a lawyer in China
- Chance of getting injured by your toilet this year
- Chance of condom failure
- Chance of dying from intentional self harm
- Chance of firing two proton torpedoes from a standard T-65 X-Wing Starfighter into a 2-meter wide thermal exhaust port without the assistance of a targeting computer
![Luke Skywalker in the cockpit of his X-Wing, with meme format titles. Top text: “Luke, you've switched off your targeting computer. What's wrong?” Bottom text: “It uses Apple Maps.”](/img/meme-starwars-applemaps_hue670cd9d71ffdf0bd7511dc0e82d03af_42399_300x0_resize_q75_h1_lanczos.0ea328cf9a9214f6b3df9581f810eee5ec8cfef133fdceb9fd2b060e29c791ee.webp)
GM, we all should’ve earned free XP from becoming instantly enlightened after witnessing such a miraculous roll.