I’ve never played a rogue(quite)like this.

Also, this was my first Reddit post ever.

Gaming Review Thoughts

2 minutes

Originally posted on Reddit.

This game. This. Game. I bring it everywhere; to work, to dinner, to the bathroom, walking on the street, riding in the car - only when at a full stop! - on the bed, on the phone, on and on and on…

It’s crazy how hooked I am, and I don’t even know how to play! I mean, how to really play. I’m no Nethack veteran - my roguelike of choice was ADOM way back when - so I don’t know all the little things that can be done in it yet (like, can you pour potions into other potions? How do you stop choking on food? How do you know if a lantern is magical? What is a fire and why does it, what’s the word, burn?) but it’s just so damn addicting that I don’t even care.

I just want to say: bravo, Waz. Bra-effing-vo. I bought it on Android, then bought it for my bro - we multiplay, it’s cool - and I’ll buy it for PC too once it gets greenlit on Steam. Do you still work on this on your own? That’s freaking amazing.

It’s not all positive, though. I encountered a bug, and a big fat squishy one at that. The pet dogs won’t go up ladders; only down. They don’t even climb down; they fall down as if there’s no ladder there, only air. Happens to both the Knight/Valkyrie and the Hunter/Fem.Hunter dogs. Makes dungeoneering a lot more lonely, y’know?

Also, completely beside the point: I’m so glad it’s on Android; you don’t know how tickled I am that it’s made on Unity, as I used to work at a mobile app development studio that works exclusively using that engine (they would’ve killed for a developer/designer like you btw). So if you need help with an iOS port, I can probably do that for you if a paid version of Unity isn’t required; gots a Macbook lying around somewhere.
