What is this, an arcade for ants?

Gadgets Gaming Work


4 minutes

Published on UnboxGuru.

Introduction #

Portable gaming has come a long, long way from the gadgets of yesteryear. From the black-and-white days of Game & Watches and Gameboys, to the 3D-capable DSes and PSPs, and now to being able to play AAA games on pretty much any modern phone, it seems like all that’s left for people to figure out is how to render videogame graphics directly into our stimulant-starved retinas.

There is, however, a type of consumer who craves to relive the golden age of gaming—particularly that of the arcade era. For many of those retro purists, being able to play the classics like Pac-Man, Space Invaders, and Bubble Bobble on the go is great; but nothing replaces those super massive, mega flashy, coin-guzzling cabinets that look like they should belong in a museum rather than in a man-cave.

¿Por qué no los dos? US-based company “My Arcade” thinks they’ve got the perfect solution with their Micro Player line of products, and we have the GALAGA™ edition to check out right now on UnboxGuru.

Physical Description #

With its diminutive size when compared to actual arcade cabinets, it’s immediately apparent that My Arcade’s Micro Player products all strive to poke at the nostalgia bone that seems to be a popular target for companies to aim at. We’ve seen these miniature classic console revivals by the likes of Nintendo, Sega, and Sony; and from the looks of it, these tiny time capsules are a hit among collectors.

My Arcade partnered with Bandai-Namco to release these Micro Players in the Spring of 2018. They stand at a perfectly average 6 inches and feature a full color, 2.75 inch screen. Its sides and face are filled with artwork inspired by the original cabinets, and the backlit coin traps (which function as the unit’s on/off button) are the Pac-Man-flavored cherry on top.

A cool feature on all of these units are the convertible d-pad/joysticks. The little joystick pegs can be unscrewed from the base, allowing users to play using only the d-pad if so desired. On the GALAGA™ model, the only other inputs are Start, Select, and a single button to fire the ship’s gun. Other models of the Micro Players have the appropriate number of buttons to fit their included games.

At the back are the volume controls and external speaker, a headphone jack, a battery compartment that takes 4 AA batteries, and a micro-USB jack as an alternative way to power the unit. Finally, the bottom of the unit has two large strips of rubber feet to keep the thing from slipping around—a much appreciated quality of life feature for those particularly intense play sessions.

Gameplay #

Pushing in the coin trap powers on the Micro Player, and it’s ready to play right away. Hitting Start will immediately get you into the game as it blasts the GALAGA™ title song out of its tiny speaker, which is a little on the tinny side but, to be fair, doesn’t sound too bad. It should be noted that early production runs of this machine were reported to have issues with audio fidelity, but that appears to have been fixed since their initial release.

The buttons and d-pad/joystick feel surprisingly good to the touch. There’s a real tactility to the presses, and nothing feels mushy at all. The input delay and screen response time are imperceptible. It’s a good quality, modern screen with great refresh rate and no ghosting problems, but the viewing angles do leave something to be desired.

As for the game itself, it’s quintessential GALAGA™. While some may be disappointed about this not being the original 1981 arcade version, the port that My Arcade does use appears to be the much-revered NES version of GALAGA™ which is widely considered by aficionados to be the best alternative to the original.

One “feature” that is kept from the original arcade version, though, is the fact that high scores aren’t saved once the machine is turned off. Do keep this in mind if you’re the type who considers scorekeeping important, and plan accordingly if you intend to get the Micro Player. I’ve heard of an exciting new technology called pen and paper that’s supposed to be able to last practically forever, without even needing to charge anything.

Conclusion #

That about wraps up our quick look at the My Arcade GALAGA™ Micro Player™. It’s an arcade cabinet you don’t have to hide in your garage or basement, and in fact can bring with you and keep on your office desk to proudly display to all that you’re a man or woman of culture. Gaming culture. If you’re watching this in “current year,” keep that retro spirit alive and consider grabbing one for yourself, or as a gift for the loveable geeks in your life. And if GALAGA™ isn’t quite your jam—or you’d like to build a collection of these adorable arcade accessories—you’ll be happy to know that My Arcade offers a large number of the Bandai-Namco collection in the Micro Player line, including Pac-Man, Bubble Bobble, Bad Dudes, and many more.
