
Reviews and scripts for video hosting gigs with UnboxGuru.

February 2020

What is this, an arcade for ants?

Published on UnboxGuru. Introduction Portable gaming has come a long, long way from the gadgets of yesteryear. From the black-and-white days of Game & Watches and Gameboys, to the 3D-capable DSes and PSPs, and now to being able to play AAA games on pretty much any modern phone, it seems like all that’s left for people to figure out is how to render videogame graphics directly into our stimulant-starved retinas.

Gadgets Gaming Work


4 minutes

March 2019

The SNES Classic is a ’90s Nostalgia Box

First hosting gig for UnboxGuru.

Published on UnboxGuru. The Super Nintendo Entertainment System may have been released almost 30 years ago, but nostalgia is ageless. Those who spent their youths wired to the venerable SNES/Super Famicom still fondly look back on those innocent days during the golden years of gaming. This is why Nintendo’s move to re-release its classic consoles as miniaturized, modernized versions is so brilliant; not only is there a captive market of consumers already familiar and enamored with those products, but that market is now 20–30 years older, with disposable income to spare, and children of their own to pass on this hobby to.

Gadgets Gaming Work


7 minutes