Worms: Reloaded


Article Gaming Review Work

Game! Magazine

2 minutes

Platforms: PC
Publisher: Team 17
Developer: Team 17
ESRB: Rating Pending
Official Website: http://store.steampowered.com/​app/22600

Price in peso: P900.00 ($19.99), P2700.00 for Four-pack ($59.97, 4 copies for the price of 3)

It’s been ten years since we’ve had a brand new 2D Worms game, so the new Worms: Reloaded by Team 17 - the series’ original developers - serves as a refreshing reminder of the simpler days of gaming, where the concerns were about how much fun one could have with his or her friends by blowing each other to bits instead of how high one’s graphics settings can be configured to without exploding the computer. In bringing about sweet pangs of nostalgia, Worms: Reloaded succeeds well; many of the classic weapons and voicesets return, and the team customization is even more diverse than before. The game faces the test of time by sporting high-definition graphics and slick, smooth animation, so - unlike trying to play old classics that have never been updated since their release - the nostalgia won’t fade away into disappointment.

Some may still be wary about Reloaded not holding up well against its predecessors, Worms: Armageddon and World Party. Much comparison to the older games has been published, but as a game on its own, it stands well. I’ll leave this as food for thought: as a fan of the series, Reloaded - with its classic formula of providing pure, unadulterated fun - satisfies my craving for that old-school, manic mayhem.

Scorecard: (Rate using 1 to 5 scale, 5 being the highest.)

  • Graphics: 4
  • Sounds: 4
  • Fun Factor: 5
  • Replayability: 5
  • Overall Score: 4.5
