
The struggle of staying alive.

February 2019

Nothing Can Protect You Against Loneliness

Because it’s part of your biology.

Originally posted on Reddit. I woke up to Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell: Loneliness today and almost felt personally attacked. It’s rare, but sometimes a YouTube video understands me more than I understand myself. If 12 minutes and 30 seconds is too long to listen to, the video essentially explains the evolutionary reasons why loneliness is painful, and how chronic loneliness became an epidemic more deadly than obesity and on par with smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.

Health Thoughts

1 minute

January 2011

Game! Website Articles - January 17, 2011

Wii loses Rock Band, Wii Fit diagnoses Parkinson’s, Gameloft accused of plagiarizing.

Harmonix cuts Rock Band Network support for Wii Newly-independent developer Harmonix Music Systems has announced on its forums that they will be dropping the Wii out of the Rock Band Network effective January 18, 2011. “Next Tuesday, 1/18/2010, will also be the last scheduled batch of Rock Band Network songs brought over to the Wii,” Harmonix developer hmxhenry posts on the forum. “With the smaller online install base, limited demand for releases so far and the significant amount of work it takes for our producers and audio team to convert and process these additional tracks we’re no longer able to continue submitting RBN content to the Wii.

Article Gaming Health Work

Game! Magazine

4 minutes